Dustin Lopez

Support, Engage, Dream

Basic Biography

I am a twenty-four year old Scotts Valley resident who has lived here for ten years as a low-income renter. Before that, I grew up moving around the Santa Cruz area. I have two associate degrees from Cabrillo in Economics and Interdisciplinary Studies, as well as a Certificate of Environmental Science- Sustainability. I am a UCSC student pursuing a combined major in Environmental Studies/Economics. I also have a passion for all topics related to local government.


  • I'm running because I want the City of Scotts Valley to be as strong as possible to ensure the city can support its residents through any challenges the future may bring. I spent the summer interning with the City of Scotts Valley through Cabrillo College’s Local Government Fellowship program where I met the city councilors, worked with city staff, and learned about the challenges the city is facing, as well as the exciting projects they're working on. I was inspired by the values and passion of the city council and city staff to make Scotts Valley the best it can be. I want to contribute to that, and I believe I have knowledge and perspectives that aren't currently represented that will help accomplish that goal.

  • During my work experience at city I spent my time learning about the city’s history, ongoing projects, challenges, and potential solutions. I assisted with updating the website and made the business license tax calculator for the city's Business License Tax Modernization webpage. I attended many meetings, took notes, and asked a lot of questions. I researched and learned about: wildfires, insurance, electrification grants, housing mandates, and city infrastructure. Besides that, I have my education which has focused on sustainability and systems thinking. At Cabrillo I was a writing tutor, mainly focused on the social sciences and philosophy. I am a fast learner because I enjoy it and I have a very supportive mindset and strong personal values.

  • Besides my age, I have personal experience living in Scotts Valley as a low-income renter. This experience gives me a better insight to understand the needs of low-income people in Scotts Valley, something we will need on the city council since the city must plan for 1,220 new affordable homes. It's important we welcome our new neighbors and do our best to make them feel accepted because it is the people here who give Scotts Valley it's charming small town feel, not the number of homes. From my teenage years, I also have lived experience being a Latino in Scotts Valley and struggling to feel like I belong here. I have struggled with depression and anxiety in the past. That's something all age groups struggle with, but especially younger people. Despite this, I choose to focus on what I can do to now to build a better tomorrow. I am good at systems thinking, looking at how everything connects together as a whole, and I will use that to focus on and long-term sustainability to ensure the community we love is as strong as it can be.

Want to learn more about Dustin?

Here are a few links to read more about Dustin (more to come).