1. Budget

Ensure the city has sustainable finances to maintain its infrastructure and services despite any uncontrollable challenges that may arise in the future due to the economy, climate change, etc.

2. The Town Center

This is a top priority because it is key to making sure that everything else can get done as well. It will be the heart of the city when complete and will be the most important factor for completing our housing element. We need to do the best we can to make sure it gets built, and that it is a space that prioritizes people and connects people together; a space where everyone can feel they belong. It will be a big draw and a major connecting point for the rest of the city's bike and pedestrian infrastructure.

3. Housing

Scotts Valley is a small piece of a large problem but it's extremely important to me that the city does the most it can to provide housing for the community. That includes making it easier for people and developers to build, and making sure we have the jobs necessary to support a local workforce.

4. Active Transportation Infrastructure and Bike and Pedestrian Safety

I want to make sure that Scotts Valley has strong bike and pedestrian infrastructure that anybody could use and feel safe. Many people would like to bike or walk more, but currently feel uncomfortable doing so. It's cheaper, better for the environment, and encourages use of public transit. Tied to this is ensuring our infrastructure is accessible, intuitive, and easy to use for people with disabilities or special needs.

5. Sustainability

The risks and impacts of all types of climate catastrophes are increasingly something that will affect us on a local level, but sustainability is not just a focus on the environment. It's an emphasis in systems thinking- observing and understanding how everything connects and functions together. We need to make sure our current projects are adaptive for the future and sustainable in the long term, not just for the natural environment, but economically and for the people that make up our community.